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Search for: [Abstract = "Public finance for vocational education in Poland \(using an algorithm for the educational subsidy and its „vocational weight”\) does not differentiate between costs of training for different types of occupation. The authors, using data from the Educational Information System \(2012\), analysed current expenditure per student attending vocational education – at technical upper secondary and basic vocational schools. This analysis questions the effectiveness of the finance formula for vocational schools in Poland, which does not differentiate allocation of subsidy between types of vocational training and organization of practical trainingat school. Findings indicated that current expenditure per student differed between types of training. For example, there were considerable differences in specialized school spending on training, leading to agricultural, forestry and environmental protection related professions, compared to schools training for economic or administrative occupations. Moreover, schools that educate adolescent workers and organize practical training outside school – e.g., the CKP \(center for practical training\) – have significantly lower expenditure per student. Analysis highlighted differences in the finance of vocational education between different types of local government – urban districts \(town\-poviats\) and poorer districts \(poviats\). Variation was more pronounced in cities, which are generally richer and more flexible in their budgeting for schools according to specific needs. It can be inferred that expenditure of richer authorities on vocational training should describe a better approximation of the real costs of this type of education, depending on target occupation."]

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Stasiowski, Jędrzej Kłobuszewska, Małgorzata Drogosz-Zabłocka, Elżbieta


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