
Search for: [Subject and Keywords = DNA damage] OR [Subject and Keywords = etoposide] OR [Subject and Keywords = etopozyd] OR [Subject and Keywords = healthy blood cells] OR [Subject and Keywords = HL\-60] OR [Subject and Keywords = komórki bałaczkowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = kwarcetyna] OR [Subject and Keywords = leukemic cells] OR [Subject and Keywords = quercion] OR [Subject and Keywords = uszkodzenia DNA komórki prawidłowe krwi] OR [Title = Wpływ kwercetyny \(3,5,7,3',4'\-pentahydroksyflawonu\) na uszkodzenia DNA wywołane etopozydem \(9\-\[4,6\-O\-etylideno\-ß\-D\-glukopiranozylo\]\-epipodofilotoksyną\) w komórkach prawidłowych krwi i komórkach białaczkowych] OR [Creator = Cierniak, Agnieszka]

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