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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = cystatin] OR [Subject and Keywords = cystatyny] OR [Subject and Keywords = cystein proteinases] OR [Subject and Keywords = infection] OR [Subject and Keywords = infekcja] OR [Subject and Keywords = proteinazy cysteinowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = Staphylococcus aureus] OR [Subject and Keywords = surfactant] OR [Subject and Keywords = surfakant] OR [Subject and Keywords = zymogens] OR [Subject and Keywords = zymogeny] OR [Title = Zymogenowy charakter sekrecyjnych proteinaz Staphylococus aureus \(prostafoain\) i ich znaczenie w patogenezie infekcji gronkowcowych] OR [Creator = Gruca, Miłosz]

Number of results: 9

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