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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = educational value added] OR [Subject and Keywords = EVA validity] OR [Subject and Keywords = birthday effect] OR [Subject and Keywords = age effects] OR [Subject and Keywords = early school entry] OR [Subject and Keywords = delayed school entry] OR [Subject and Keywords = grade retention] OR [Subject and Keywords = gains in school achievements] OR [Subject and Keywords = edukacyjna wartość dodana] OR [Subject and Keywords = trafność] OR [Subject and Keywords = wiek uczniów] OR [Subject and Keywords = wcześniejszy start szkolny] OR [Subject and Keywords = opóźniony start szkolny] OR [Subject and Keywords = powtarzanie klasy] OR [Subject and Keywords = przyrost osiągnięć szkolnych] OR [Title = Significance of student age variance in estimating value added measures for Polish lower secondary schools] OR [Title = Wpływ zróżnicowania wieku uczniów na szacowanie gimnazjalnych wskaźników edukacyjnej wartości dodanej] OR [Creator = Jasińska\-Maciążek, Aleksandra]

Number of results: 12

Items per page:

Hornowska, Elżbieta Brzezińska, Anna Izabela Kaliszewska-Czeremska, Katarzyna Appelt, Karolina Rawecka, Joanna Bujacz, Aleksandra


Świst, Karolina Skórska, Paulina Koniewski, Maciej Jasińska-Maciążek, Aleksandra


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